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世界の布を楽しむ東京ポーチとミャンマーパンツのネットショップです。 世界を旅して見つけた、いろんな国の布たち。 旅のときめきを、いつでも使えるポーチにしました。 ストラップがついて、クラッチにもポーチにも。 
Clutch pouch from Tokyo. Textile of each country.

Indigo Blue Hakama Pants $128

Bingo Fushiori

Bingo Kasuri is one of Japan's three major Kasuri fabrics, along with Kurume Kasuri and Iyo Kasuri. It has been produced in the area of Shinichi, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture since the Edo period. There used to be many weavers and mass production, but now only two manufacturers are left that continue to machine weave, preserving the traditional manufacturing method that starts with the dyeing process.

Japanese colours dyed with natural indigo, persimmon tannin, and ink

The Bingo Fushiori production process begins with dyeing the boiled raw silk. Natural indigo from Tokushima, persimmon tannin from Hiroshima, and ink are used to make the necessary dyes. The colour is greatly influenced by the weather as the silk is dried in the sun to blend the colour. The production speed can also be influenced as waiting for favourable weather can be necessary.

Slowly and carefully woven, soft cotton texture

Threads are woven using an old-fashioned shuttle loom from the 1950s. By weaving slowly, it makes the fabric’s texture soft and airy. However, because the weaving speed is slow, one machine can only weave one roll (approximately 30m) per day. It is a very valuable fabric with a very limited produced quantity due to the many processes that are handled by hand.

Japanese colours dyed with natural indigo, persimmon tannin, and ink

The Bingo Fushiori production process begins with dyeing the boiled raw silk. Natural indigo from Tokushima, persimmon tannin from Hiroshima, and ink are used to make the necessary dyes. The colour is greatly influenced by the weather as the silk is dried in the sun to blend the colour. The production speed can also be influenced as waiting for favourable weather can be necessary.


Indigo Blue Hakama Pants $128
Hakama pants inspired from the asian casual pants, made of Japan’s traditional “Bingo Fushiori” fabric.

There are many traditional textiles and dyes used to make Japanese kimonos, but unfortunately these days, they are only worn on very special occasions. Wearing a kimono also requires a specific technique. That is why we created pants that are easy to put on and incorporated a cool Asian style, using the traditional Japanese fabric, Bingo Fushiori.

Get your hands on these cozy and flowy Hakama Pants and enjoy the quality and traditions of the rare, 100% cotton Bingo Fushiori fabric! You can choose between the following sizes : MP・M・L・MT・LT

[Material] Cotton

[Country of origin] Japan for both fabric and sewing

Hakama pants are the new model for 2023, while Myanmar pants for the domestic market are the 2022 model. Japanese and international sizes are the same, but oversize is not currently in stock.

Bingo Fushiori

Bingo Kasuri is one of Japan's three major Kasuri fabrics, along with Kurume Kasuri and Iyo Kasuri. It has been produced in the area of Shinichi, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture since the Edo period. There used to be many weavers and mass production, but now only two manufacturers are left that continue to machine weave, preserving the traditional manufacturing method that starts with the dyeing process.

Japanese colours dyed with natural indigo, persimmon tannin, and ink

The Bingo Fushiori production process begins with dyeing the boiled raw silk. Natural indigo from Tokushima, persimmon tannin from Hiroshima, and ink are used to make the necessary dyes. The colour is greatly influenced by the weather as the silk is dried in the sun to blend the colour. The production speed can also be influenced as waiting for favourable weather can be necessary.

Slowly and carefully woven, soft cotton texture

Threads are woven using an old-fashioned shuttle loom from the 1950s. By weaving slowly, it makes the fabric’s texture soft and airy. However, because the weaving speed is slow, one machine can only weave one roll (approximately 30m) per day. It is a very valuable fabric with a very limited produced quantity due to the many processes that are handled by hand.

Japanese colours dyed with natural indigo, persimmon tannin, and ink

The Bingo Fushiori production process begins with dyeing the boiled raw silk. Natural indigo from Tokushima, persimmon tannin from Hiroshima, and ink are used to make the necessary dyes. The colour is greatly influenced by the weather as the silk is dried in the sun to blend the colour. The production speed can also be influenced as waiting for favourable weather can be necessary.


Hakama pants inspired from the asian casual pants, made of Japan’s traditional “Bingo Fushiori” fabric.

There are many traditional textiles and dyes used to make Japanese kimonos, but unfortunately these days, they are only worn on very special occasions. Wearing a kimono also requires a specific technique. That is why we created pants that are easy to put on and incorporated a cool Asian style, using the traditional Japanese fabric, Bingo Fushiori.

Get your hands on these cozy and flowy Hakama Pants and enjoy the quality and traditions of the rare, 100% cotton Bingo Fushiori fabric! You can choose between the following sizes : MP・M・L・MT・LT

[Material] Cotton

[Country of origin] Japan for both fabric and sewing

Hakama pants are the new model for 2023, while Myanmar pants for the domestic market are the 2022 model. Japanese and international sizes are the same, but oversize is not currently in stock.













この商品の送料は、配送方法によって異なります。 配送方法は、ご購入時に選択することができます。

  • レターパック


    全国一律 ¥370
  • ヤマト宅急便



    • 北海道


    • 東北
      青森県, 岩手県, 宮城県, 秋田県,
      山形県, 福島県


    • 関東
      茨城県, 栃木県, 群馬県, 埼玉県,
      千葉県, 東京都, 神奈川県, 山梨県


    • 信越
      新潟県, 長野県


    • 北陸
      富山県, 石川県, 福井県


    • 東海
      岐阜県, 静岡県, 愛知県, 三重県


    • 近畿
      滋賀県, 京都府, 大阪府, 兵庫県,
      奈良県, 和歌山県


    • 中国
      鳥取県, 島根県, 岡山県, 広島県, 山口県


    • 四国
      徳島県, 香川県, 愛媛県, 高知県


    • 九州
      福岡県, 佐賀県, 長崎県, 熊本県,
      大分県, 宮崎県, 鹿児島県


    • 沖縄


  • 宅急便コンパクト



    • 北海道


    • 東北
      青森県, 岩手県, 宮城県, 秋田県,
      山形県, 福島県


    • 関東
      茨城県, 栃木県, 群馬県, 埼玉県,
      千葉県, 東京都, 神奈川県, 山梨県


    • 信越
      新潟県, 長野県


    • 北陸
      富山県, 石川県, 福井県


    • 東海
      岐阜県, 静岡県, 愛知県, 三重県


    • 近畿
      滋賀県, 京都府, 大阪府, 兵庫県,
      奈良県, 和歌山県


    • 中国
      鳥取県, 島根県, 岡山県, 広島県, 山口県


    • 四国
      徳島県, 香川県, 愛媛県, 高知県


    • 九州
      福岡県, 佐賀県, 長崎県, 熊本県,
      大分県, 宮崎県, 鹿児島県


    • 沖縄



  • EMS



    • アジア


    • オセアニア


    • 北・中米


    • 中近東


    • ヨーロッパ


    • 南米


    • アフリカ


    • その他地域




Hakama pants inspired from the asian casual pants, made of Japan’s traditional “Bingo Fushiori” fabric.

There are many traditional textiles and dyes used to make Japanese kimonos, but unfortunately these days, they are only worn on very special occasions. Wearing a kimono also requires a specific technique. That is why we created pants that are easy to put on and incorporated a cool Asian style, using the traditional Japanese fabric, Bingo Fushiori.

Get your hands on these cozy and flowy Hakama Pants and enjoy the quality and traditions of the rare, 100% cotton Bingo Fushiori fabric! You can choose between the following sizes : MP・M・L・MT・LT

[Material] Cotton

[Country of origin] Japan for both fabric and sewing

Hakama pants are the new model for 2023, while Myanmar pants for the domestic market are the 2022 model. Japanese and international sizes are the same, but oversize is not currently in stock.
Tokyo Pouch
